• Scrambling to keep up with compensating controls and patching? Mature organizations employ a Gartner’s 5-step process named Continuous Threat Exposure Management or CTEM
  • CTEM is NOT a piece of software, it is a Cybersecurity workflow that can be supported and augmented with ESOF VMP

The quarterly phase involves a comprehensive delineation and classification of the organization’s attack surface. This entails:​

  • Inclusive Definition of Attack Surface: Incorporation of both tangible and intangible elements such as devices, applications, social media accounts, and supply chain systems.​
  • Preliminary Risk Assessment: Execution of a preliminary evaluation to ascertain the potential impact and urgency associated with vulnerabilities.​
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engagement with key stakeholders to ensure consensus on the scope and prioritization of assets, grounded in business value and risk assessment.​

ESOF VMP: Can handle multiple Classes of Scope for proper prioritization​.

Daily uncover specific risks by identifying individual assets within each scope classification and continuously assess their vulnerabilities.​

  • Utilization of Discovery Tools: Deployment of both automated and manual tools to detect visible and hidden assets, alongside vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.​
  • Asset Inventory Management: Establishment and maintenance of a comprehensive asset inventory, categorizing assets based on criticality and vulnerability.​
  • Continuous Vulnerability Assessment: Implementation of continuous assessments to remain abreast of emerging threats and the discovery of new assets.​

ESOF VMP: Discovery with your Favorite EASM, Vulnerability Scanners, and Cloud Security and Code Review. Scheduler for Continuous Scanning for existing Batch tools​.

In real-time enhance, evaluate, and rank the identified threats, determining the sequence of remediation based on risk and impact.​

  • Risk-Based Prioritization Framework: Application of a risk-based framework to evaluate and rank vulnerabilities, considering severity, exploitability, impact, and Blast Radius.​
  • Emphasis on High-Value Assets: Prioritization efforts are focused on securing assets deemed critical to business operations and reputation.​
  • Business Context Integration: Prioritization is aligned with the organization’s risk tolerance and operational imperatives.​

ESOF VMP: Cross-correlation with Exploits, AI-based risk prioritization integrating criticality, Scoping Class, and Reputation.​

Validation that vulnerabilities are actionable and constitute legitimate threats or can be postponed as adequate compensating controls are in place.​

  • Exploitability Verification: Confirmation of the practical exploitability of vulnerabilities and the associated risk posed to the organization.​
  • Attack Pathway Analysis: Examination of potential attack vectors to comprehend the modalities through which vulnerabilities may be exploited.​
  • Compensating control coverage and applicability.​

ESOF VMP: Native handling of Compensating Controls, pen testing cross reference.​

Rally Team Security and IT teams to achieve the goals determined by the CTEM process  Planning and execution of strategies to mitigate prioritized Threat Exposures​.

  • Strategic Communication and Planning: Clear articulation of the CTEM strategy to both security personnel and the wider business constituency.​
  • Operationalization of Mitigation Efforts: Translation of security insights into actionable mitigation tasks, facilitating streamlined approval and implementation processes.​
  • Integration of Human Oversight: Ensuring a balance between automated remediation processes and the necessity for human intervention in addressing complex or nuanced security issues.​

ESOF VMP: Integration with Native ITSM like Jira and ServiceNow.​

ESOF VMP enables organisations to quickly and easily cut through the noise and focus your resources on the risk that matters the most.

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