Threat and attack simulation

TAC Security’s Threat and Attack Simulation is an advanced method to uncover vulnerabilities by simulating potential attack scenarios. We ensure system resilience through TAC Attack Simulations, tailored to your environment. Our expertise in incident forensics, coupled with cutting-edge security frameworks, results in highly effective simulations. These customized simulations strengthen your systems and prepare your teams to detect and mitigate cyber threats.

TAC Security offers both remote and on-site breach and attack simulation services. Leveraging extensive incident response and testing know-how, we customize Attack Simulations to align with your organization’s needs and specific threats.

Our breach and attack notification services ensure:


A customized exercise that aligns with your needs


Adherence to your security standards is measured


Scripted attack methods guided by trusted advisors


Trackable progress facilitated through repeatable playbooks

Benefit from expert support and an industry-trusted platform to ensure your organization is fully prepared to defend against a wide range of security vulnerabilities.

Customized Threat and Attack Simulation.

Expert advice on the next steps

Enhanced security operations.

Improved Security Posture.

Our experience across industries and geographies helps us understand every cybersecurity requirement and allows us to tailor every project. 

With a vast team size and quick turnaround time, we aim and ensure we can focus on each project in-depth and tend to produce the highest quality results

Attention to detail helps us ease the process for you marginally as it reduces your time investment on details we already can point out and help you improve.

Data Sheet – ESOF Prediction Solution Brief



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The Future of Risk
and Vulnerability Management!

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Vulnerability Management - ESOF

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    Data Sheet – ESOF AppSec

    Data Sheet – ESOF VMP

    Data Sheet – ESOF VMDR