TAC Security making India proud Globally: Lt. General Rajesh Pant, NCSC, Govt of India
At TAC Security’s 9th Annual Town Hall, we had the honour of the National Cybersecurity coordinator Chief, Lt General Rajesh Pant joining us and commending TAC security on the global recognition it has been receiving.
The NCSC is one of the most prominent cybersecurity authorities in the country, and TAC Security has worked closely with them for the last 6 years.
Lt. Gen. Rajesh Pant emphasized on the importance of cybersecurity and the growing requirement the industry has seen, especially during the pandemic. He addressed the global economic loss due to cybercrime in 2020 of USD 6 trillion and the gap the industry has seen over the years.
He also complimented TAC Security’s vision and drive to create intelligent cybersecurity products that are state of the artof the art and allow organizations to have unique abilities that ensure the best possible cybersecurity process and levels.
In the end, he quoted that the best mantra for NCCC, which every cybersecurity company should keep in mind while securing cyberspace; Personal Hygiene and Digital Hygiene.