Automatic Asset Inventory

Efficiently discover, evaluate, and manage assets throughout your enterprise with the comprehensive Automated Asset Discovery solution from TAC Security. This all-in-one platform enables real-time identification, assessment, prioritization, and mitigation of assets, providing a unified approach to IT landscape management.

ESOF VACA with end-to-end automation capabilities

Discover all known and unknown assets on your global hybrid-IT Stack
Recognize all the active aspects that are the most critical and fundamental to the landscape’s security. Detect and determine all the known/unknown assets within the IT infrastructure
for a complete and categorized inventory enriched with data and get details about the assets from other security software integrated into a single platform.

Appoint ESOF VACA as Your Asset Manager

Asset Management

The ESOF VACA software system plays a significant role in recognizing and categorizing known/unknown/unmanaged digital assets, thus creating automatic workflows for efficient management.

This helps the security leaders have a constant inventory and management abilities of all the assets that are a part of the organization and possible vulnerability. After the access record, they can explore and deep dive into the various levels of security.

Continuous IT Asset Inventory Management

Analyze assets and traffic flows to determine asset criticality and cyber risk. Integration capabilities align inventory data with business context, allowing for customizable dashboards and search functionalities. This ensures ease of use for compliance and cybersecurity use-cases.

Unified View of Asset Details

Access a single, unified view displaying comprehensive details of each asset, including installed asset inventory software, device types (e.g., iPad), and automatic categorization based on type and role within the extended enterprise network.

Risk Management by Business Units

Define and manage risk ownership through an organizational chart. Provide actionable dashboards and reports to each risk owner, offering insights into their specific inventory and security issues. Facilitate comparison and scoring of risk owners.

Asset Criticality Analysis

Initiate asset criticality analysis starting with an automatically calculated view based on network traffic. Gamified workflows involve risk owners in determining the value of applications. ESOF VACA automatically propagates changes to related assets, updating overall asset criticality.

Next-Generation Asset Management is the need of the hour.


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